Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My writer friend Jayme Feary trains dogs and horses. His own dog, Woof, an Australian shepherd/Border collie cross, went with him on a solo Continental Divide horse/muleback ride.

Woof has an easy-going disposition, plus good manners that Jayme taught her. Lately, this already lovable dog has found a way to be even more appealing. She smiles.

Woof used to smile only when Jayme got after her. “Woof!” he'd say, and she'd duck her head and lift the corners of her mouth, revealing white, even teeth. The smile came off as cute. People who saw her do it laughed and commented, and that wasn't lost on Woof. Recently, the dog has taken to smiling when she isn't feeling guilty, she smiles to get attention. She didn't have to read the books; she figured it out for herself. A good way to win friends is to smile more.

This came in handy recently. Jayme is joining the University of Montana's MFA in writing program. He found a small apartment he liked in Missoula, but the landlord said, “No dogs.” Clever Woof sidled up to the man, looked up, and offered her best smile. Jayme and Woof are moving in.

But there is more to Woof than charming smiles. She can be fierce when she thinks the situation calls for it. One recent day, I sat in a restaurant parking lot in Jayme's car. In the back seat, dozing and content, lay Woof and an Australian shepherd dog guest named Faith. Jayme and I had earlier visited in the restaurant with a man in leather and boots who was waiting for his motorcycle to be repaired. When Jayme said he had to check his dogs the man said, “Sure, go on. There are two things I really know. Dogs and Harleys.”

We didn't see the man approach the car and lean against its side. We became aware of him when Woof and Faith tried to go through the car window to eat him alive. The pair of them flung themselves at the glass, snarling and barking. It startled the man so badly he jumped out of his boots.

Jayme told the dogs to cool it, but after the man left it was Jayme who growled. “Knows dogs.” He shook his head. “Didn't he realize? The nicest dogs in the world will protect their car, and the people in it.” Jayme's lips lifted in a smile-an uncharitable one. “I think that guy will have to change his pants.”

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